Kick On

There were two frogs that had become bored with life in the River Torrens, so they decided to go on an adventure to a neighbouring dairy farm.

There they found a bucket of lovely cream, and decided it would be a wonderful experience to wallow in it. They hopped in. The first licked his lips with delight, and the two swam around with momentary joy. But cream is much thicker than water, and soon the frogs tired. It was time to get out and return to the Torrens.

The first frog kicked and kicked and kicked, but the cream was thick, and he couldn'tt get out the bucket. Soon he gave up, licked his lips, and drowned in the bucket of cream.

The second frog was far more determined. He kicked and kicked and kicked and kicked some more. Eventually the cream turned to butter, and he jumped out of the bucket and returned to the River Torrens.

Attitude does make a difference to the outcomes of our lives. "Dont give up on life kick on".
Welcome to 'from the heart to inspire' The purpose of this blog is to inspire and touch the lives of others who have given up hope or in despair. Ann
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